
Dried fruits


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Goji berries
Sale priceFrom 3,99€
Freeze-dried strawberry slices
Sale priceFrom 4,99€
99,80€ /kg
(99,80€ /kg)
Sale priceFrom 3,99€
39,90€ /kg
(39,90€ /kg)
Raspberries whole freeze-dried
Sale priceFrom 6,99€
139,80€ /kg
(139,80€ /kg)
Freeze-dried peach slices
Sale priceFrom 4,99€
99,80€ /kg
(99,80€ /kg)
Coquitos - Mini coconuts
Sale priceFrom 8,99€
89,90€ /kg
(89,90€ /kg)
Dried apricots
Sale priceFrom 3,99€
39,90€ /kg
(39,90€ /kg)
Freeze-dried strawberry pieces
Sale priceFrom 4,99€
99,80€ /kg
(99,80€ /kg)
- 10% Dried plumsDried plums
Dried plums
Sale priceFrom 4,99€
49,90€ /kg
(49,90€ /kg)
Dried fruit bundle
Sale priceFrom 29,99€
85,69€ /kg
(85,69€ /kg)
Freeze-dried banana slices
Sale priceFrom 4,99€
99,80€ /kg
(99,80€ /kg)
Banana chips
Sale priceFrom 3,49€
34,90€ /kg
(34,90€ /kg)
Coconut chips with cocoa
Sale priceFrom 3,99€
39,90€ /kg
(39,90€ /kg)
Freeze-dried plum slices
Sale priceFrom 4,99€
99,80€ /kg
(99,80€ /kg)
Freeze-dried pineapple pieces
Sale priceFrom 5,99€
119,80€ /kg
(119,80€ /kg)
Freeze-dried peas
Sale priceFrom 2,99€
59,80€ /kg
(59,80€ /kg)
Freeze-dried corn
Sale priceFrom 3,99€
79,80€ /kg
(79,80€ /kg)

Buy dried fruit and enjoy the perfect snack between meals

Do you know this too? Your energy level is zero and you're feeling peckish but don't want to reach for chocolate or other sweets? Then grab yourself some delicious and super healthy dried fruit. They offer you a natural sweetness, have a long shelf life and are bursting with nutrients. If you're looking for a snack on the go, that extra crunch in your muesli or a sweet ingredient for baking, you should buy dried fruit and take a closer look at the fruity selection in our store. Here you can find out why our dried fruit is a real power food for your digital shopping basket!

Why are dried fruits so healthy?

Dried fruits are real nutrient packages. The special drying process preserves the natural sweetness of the berries and fruit while removing water from them. The result? A snack that is rich in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. These valuable ingredients can promote good health and are ideal for people like you who are watching their diet. Dried fruit contains no added sugar and is therefore a healthy alternative to industrially processed sweets such as cookies and the like. Whether as a snack between meals or as a source of energy during exercise - the dried fruit that you can buy cheaply online from us is an excellent choice to support your health.

Buying dried fruit for every taste: the healthy and delicious snack to enjoy

In our store you will find a large selection of dried fruits: from classic varieties such as mango, plum, apricot and cranberries to exotic dried fruits such as white mulberries, goji berries or coconut chips with cocoa. Whether you want to buy dried fruit for your muesli or are looking for a savory snack such as freeze-dried peas - your search will come to a crunchy end with us.

We also offer freeze-dried fruit for those who like it extra crunchy. These retain their full flavor and are particularly crunchy thanks to the special drying process. Whether freeze-dried strawberries or raspberries - they make a great snack or a crunchy topping for your porridge, yogurt or a fancy dessert.

Dried strawberries are the perfect snack - healthy, delicious and irresistible! If you are thinking about offering this or another delicious dried fruit under your own label, we are the perfect partner. With a Private Label you can offer dried fruit individually for your customers. Take the opportunity to build up your own dried fruit range with buxtrade!

Dried versus freeze-dried: what's the difference?

You can buy dried fruit from us in two popular varieties: dried and freeze-dried. But what exactly makes the difference? How are our dried fruits produced and which method suits your taste preferences better? The key to crunchy happiness lies in the drying process, which affects not only the consistency but also the taste of the fruit.

Dried fruit - irresistibly soft and aromatic
Drying or dehydrating fresh fruit creates a real explosion of flavor! The fruit and berries are gently dried at low heat in special drying appliances or ovens. The best thing about this is that the full flavor is not only retained, it becomes even more intense. Whether dried as a whole berry, in slices or in small pieces - the natural sweetness is enhanced by the loss of water. This makes the fruit an irresistibly tasty snack. To ensure that the drying process works perfectly, care is taken to ensure that the fruit remains at a good distance from each other during drying and does not stick together. This gives you a wonderfully soft dried fruit that not only keeps for a long time, but also tastes heavenly!

Freeze-dried fruit - just like fresh from the field
Freeze-drying leaves the fruit itself virtually unchanged. They only become more intense in taste! The particularly gentle process removes almost all the water from the fruit without damaging it, thus preserving the color, shape and full flavor. It does take a while and is a little laborious, but the result is a delicious, crunchy dried fruit that will delight you with its intense aroma.
No matter who your personal favorite is and which of our dried fruits you want to buy online: Both varieties have a long shelf life and are packed with nutrients. So it all depends on whether you prefer soft and juicy or crunchy!

Buy dried fruit online in the quantity you want: from small to wholesale

Whether it's a small pack for your everyday snack or a large pack for stockpiling - you can buy dried and freeze-dried dried fruit from us in different pack sizes. The buxtrade bulk packs are perfect for the Wholesale or frequent consumers who can never get enough of the delicious, gently dried fruits and berries. Think about your snacking habits: Do you always have enough healthy snacks to hand?

Discover our variety of nuts and dried fruit and find your perfect snack for every day. Whether you prefer sweet, chewy, crunchy or exotic: at buxtrade you can buy a wide variety of nuts and dried fruit conveniently online - there's something for everyone!

Wondering how you can use dried fruit?

Trockenfrüchte sind unglaublich vielseitig! Hier sind ein paar Ideen, wie du sie in deine Ernährung einbauen kannst:

  • Müsli: Verleihe deinem Frühstücksmüsli oder Porridge eine Extraportion Geschmack mit knusprigen Bananenchips, fruchtig herben Goji-Beeren oder zarten Aprikosen-Stückchen.
  • Smoothies: Gefriergetrocknete Scheiben der Mango, Himbeeren oder Ananas-Stücke sind die perfekte Zutat für deinen Smoothie und geben ihm das gewisse Extra.
  • Backen: Verwende getrocknete Pflaumen oder Cranberries als natürliche Süße in deinem Kuchen oder selbstgemachten Müsliriegeln.
  • Snack für zwischendurch: Eine Handvoll Nüsse und Trockenfrüchte ist der perfekte Energieschub, egal ob im Büro, nach dem Sport oder unterwegs.
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